Bob Bevington posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Bob Bevington posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Bob Bevington posted in the group Preparation & Readiness
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Bob Bevington posted in the group Homesteading / survival
What’s everyone doing to prepare for the nearly for sure crash that is coming in the next few months??? Let’s get this page active!!!!!
I have no clue. We don’t really have extra money to purchase things needed. I’ve tried food storage but then had weevils come and destroy most of it.
Try and pick up an extra can of canned goods whenever you can, it is very overwhelming to me also when I think about everything a household needs. Most who are prepared advise to “get what you eat” at least the last time I looked most canned vegetables and pork and beans are still .50 at Wally World! Hang in there!!!
Trying to do food storage including paper and natural cleaning products such as vinegar, baking soda stuff along with vitamins, medicines, dog supplies etc as much as possible but it wears you down and is difficult and expensive. I am considering getting a dehydrator next. They are not too expensive and you can dehydrate…Read More
Brandon Krebs posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Vɩᥴƙɩᥱ Bᥱʋɩᥒɠtoᥒ posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Brandon Krebs posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Brandon Krebs posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Starting tomato and vegetable seeds!
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Brandon Krebs posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Mostly seeds that I saved from last years harvest along with a few new ones to try!!!
It’s almost time to start seeds indoors to get a jump start on the growing season! If you need seed starter mix, pots, fans, containers, grow lights ect. Now is the time to take an inventory of items needed or put together a order if it’s something you…Read More
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Brandon Krebs posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Pepper plants from my garden last year! You can dig up your pepper plants since they are perennials before the 1st frost. Keep the root ball intact and place in a container with dirt. They will go dormant over the winter so minimal watering will needed. Also make sure they receive little light and don’t freeze! When spring arrives you can r…Read More
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I liked a lot of what he said except I don’t fully agree with his “Sabbath” idea of no work done in the garden on the Sabbath. That is old testament that we cannot do work on the Sabbath or for us as Christians our day of rest is Sunday. When your garden needs watering or delicate plants may die if you don’t get them watered you do so no…
Katie Schupp posted in the group Homesteading / survival
I’m trying the regrowth method for this stalk of romaine lettuce. It won’t fully regrow to the size it was, but in 12 to 15 days I’ll have enough lettuce for a small salad or for sandwiches. How cool is it to get more bang for your buck?!
Celery and green onions get full regrowth! The article link goes over everything …Read More
Carol Ackerman posted in the group Homesteading / survival
I thought this was a neat idea. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1934694616600995
Josiah Martin posted in the group Preparation & Readiness
Antibiotic ointment and/or antibacterial herbal salves
Ace bandages- multiple sizes
Kerlix or rolled gauze
Steri strips and butterfly bandages to close minor lacerations
TONS of gauze/dressings (BOTH: sterile and non-sterile 4x4s. Include lots of non-adherent “telfa” pads so healing wounds won’t stick to the dressing)
ABD pads (usua…Read More
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