They are trying VERY hard to bury this bill… Google is preaching that we are conspiracy nut jobs… well here is the document!!
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Amen!! We would do good to remember that!!
Aryasha put fake nails on Shiloh. She was one happy 3 year old until: Mommy! How am I supposed to pick my boogers?
lol -
@skippieja please be sure to watch this video as it explains how that dangerous vaccine works and have Jeff listen as well so he can be informed.
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Joshua Bevington posted in the group Research
Joshua Bevington posted in the group Bible questions /study
Genesis 1:1 KJV
[1] In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.Uni-Verse = single spoken sentence
God created the universe in a single spoken sentence.What three things are mentioned in this verse that are in Einstein’s general theory of relativity?
I wonder if Einstein realized this at some point in his life? -
Josiah Martin posted in the group Bible questions /study
Would love to know what people think about the theory of the days of creation lining up with the numerous Scripture references of a day with the Lord being as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day. See 2 Peter 3:8 as an example. Does this mean that there will be 6000 years of history (6 days of creation) and a thousand years of peace?…Read More
I don’t have a lot of scriptural references to back up my opinion, but I do believe/agree that it would make sense.
God uses numbers a lot. 12 tribes of Israel , 12 disciples, 7 days of creation. 666- mark of the beast.
Just to name a minuscule amount.
Joshua Bevington posted in the group Bible questions /study
Welcome!! Feel free to start discussions !!
Joshua Bevington created the group Bible questions /study
Amy Martin posted in the group Memez
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Joshua Bevington created the group Research
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