Another website I recommend in addition to the one below is: https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com
Here is a website I recommend where there is a wealth of information on New Age practices, books and activities that have crept into many of today’s churches. Marcia Montenegro is an ex-astrologer and new ager who left all that and became a Christian. Now she is writes books and articles warning of what she sees creeping into Christians lives…Read More
It wasn’t just China… but their info is good. https://m.theepochtimes.com/infographic-chinas-2020-election-interference_3645973.html
Tommy Pszenitzki posted in the group Memez
Brandon Krebs posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Mostly seeds that I saved from last years harvest along with a few new ones to try!!! 🍅🍉🫐🫑🍎🥒🌽🍏 It’s almost time to start seeds indoors to get a jump start on the growing season! If you need seed starter mix, pots, fans, containers, grow lights ect. Now is the time to take an inventory of items needed or put together a order if it’s something you…Read More
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Joshua Bevington posted in the group Research
Something I’ve been starting to study into, it’s pretty interesting. All these “crazy” people that are “conspiracy theorists” don’t seem so delusional after everything starting to tie together.
Strange Plasma Anomaly or Evidence of a Project Blue Beam Hologram? (video)
This particular video may be faked or what not but the idea behind it is certainly very plausible. Look into “Project Blue Beam” Serge Monast”
My brother in law, Ted’s brother, is an electrical engineer and has been studying about this among many other things such as the HAARP system and geoengineering, how the CIA has run false flags and pulled us into wars and a host of other things. He told me to look up project Blue Beam. He said there is going to be a lot of anomalies…
Tommy Pszenitzki posted in the group Memez
Not to mention mining materials to make the batteries that will eventually be useless and a hazard to the environment
Carol Ackerman posted in the group Health & Wellness
Talking with the CVS pharmacist in Shreve I find him to be a wealth of information. I told him the vitamins I was taking to build up my immune system and he is actually taking the same ones I am including the Elderberry syrup. However, he recently was talking with an emergency room assistant and this person told him NOT to take Elderberry syrup…Read More
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Brandon Krebs posted in the group Homesteading / survival
🌶 🫑 Pepper plants from my garden last year! You can dig up your pepper plants since they are perennials before the 1st frost. Keep the root ball intact and place in a container with dirt. They will go dormant over the winter so minimal watering will needed. Also make sure they receive little light and don’t freeze! When spring arrives you can r…Read More
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I’ll be the first to say this made my cry….. I’ll pray about it as much as I think about it…as for Fauci, you will deserve whatever hell is coming your way..https://rumble.com/vdd3vn-r.-fauci-president-biden-to-send-tax-dollars-to-fund-abortions-overseas.html
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Katie Schupp posted in the group Memez
I liked a lot of what he said except I don’t fully agree with his “Sabbath” idea of no work done in the garden on the Sabbath. That is old testament that we cannot do work on the Sabbath or for us as Christians our day of rest is Sunday. When your garden needs watering or delicate plants may die if you don’t get them watered you do so no…
Josiah Martin posted in the group Research
If you’re not familiar with this, you need to be!
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Moderna estimated study completion date December 2023 https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03897881
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