Joshua Bevington posted in the group Research
Jeffrey Edward Epstein’s flight logs. “David Rodgers” was the pilot in the listed logs below
Josiah Martin posted in the group Preparation & Readiness
Antibiotic ointment and/or antibacterial herbal salves
Ace bandages- multiple sizes
Kerlix or rolled gauze
Steri strips and butterfly bandages to close minor lacerations
TONS of gauze/dressings (BOTH: sterile and non-sterile 4x4s. Include lots of non-adherent “telfa” pads so healing wounds won’t stick to the dressing)
ABD pads (usua…Read More
Josiah Martin created the group
Preparation & Readiness
Katie Schupp posted in the group Memez
Joshua Bevington posted in the group Memez
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Katie Schupp posted in the group Memez
Carol Ackerman posted in the group Memez
Brandon Krebs posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Experimenting with different long term fruit and nut tree markers. So far I like the all metal (copper) ones the best. The others seem to be more short term. These will also help with grafting different varieties on the same tree! They can also be used in the garden with identifying tomatoes, peppers and other plants that you have different kinds…Read More
Katie Schupp posted in the group Memez
Brandon Krebs posted in the group Homesteading / survival
Feeding sourdough starter! Make sure your lid is on at an angle or you have hole in the lid. The starter has to be able to breathe!
Taylor Pszenitzki posted in the group Health & Wellness
Taylor Pszenitzki posted in the group Health & Wellness
Tommy Pszenitzki posted in the group Health & Wellness
For anyone who may not know, Rumble is the free speech alternative to YouTube….. https://rumble.com/vc21dj-pandemic-is-over.-former-pfizer-vice-president-mike-yeadon.html
Tommy Pszenitzki posted in the group Memez
Carol Ackerman posted in the group Memez
Katie Schupp posted in the group Memez
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Hannah Lenfestey

Martha Pszenitzki

Tim Smith

Douglas Chalfant

Kelly Martin